Sunday, 11 September 2011

Our First Sponsor! have organised a deal with us for sponsorship.

Which means great things for the viewers, in particular, the subscribers of  BunkerTube!

"Welcome to the, 

We strive to bring you the best products we can find to get you into the tabletop war gaming hobby. 
Our goal is to get as many new players, painters and collectors into this fantastic educational and fun hobby. 
When starting a new hobby it is always a bit daunting at first, trying to work out exactly what you want and need to get the best results. understands this and we provide you the essential guide in our getting started selection of products. 
You can follow us on twitter @ hobbyhub_co of join our face book page The face book page, post up your latest master piece or find a player in your local area. Check out some of the work I have been doing... Be nice. is also supported by moving retail kiosks that move around the country. The first one will be located in Newcastle NSW through the Christmas period of November and December this year. So if your in the area drop in and say G'day.
We at want to support the community where ever we can so if you are one of those people that organise events and are always looking for prize support drop us a line and we will see what we can do. will also be holding its very own special hobbyhub sessions. The HHS will have a painting comps, Kings of War and Warpath Tournaments and heaps of other crazy activities going on. So get signed up to our news letter to keep up to date on where and when the mayhem will begin. 
Get into it."

So please make sure you get on over and support this fantastic small business.

Also look forward to seeing videos featuring mantic games "kings of war" and soon to be released "warpath" ranges.

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